My Idea Of A Perfect Pepper Mill Is The Unicorn Plus

When it comes to pepper mills, some will do the job, and some will REALLY do the job beautifully. The Unicorn Plus would fall into the latter category. If you happen to be in the market for a pepper mill that fine cooking magazines recommend on a regular basis, then this is easily the one.
You will find that you can very easily grip it, and the very easily adjustable grind is both smooth and easy. The grinder measures 9" tall and it takes about one cup of peppercorns which means that re-filling only needs to happen once in a pretty long while. The body of the mill is made of ABS plastic and the mill itself of nickel plated steel and it loads easily from a large opening on the side of the mill . So what we have here is in my opinion a perfectly operating pepper mill that also looks sleek and sophisticated. I adore mine! For more information, and or to purchase you may visit